The Foundation develops new projects
Since 2008, in order to offer better romaine and head lettuce lines for producers, the Laitue Foundation has taken over from the Quebec Produce Growers' Association and has become an applicant to the Conseil pour le développement de l'agriculture du Québec (CDAQ) - Quebec's agricultural adaptation council - for the following projects:
Romaine #6312 - Development of new romaine lettuce lines tolerant to bolting, tipburn and bacterial leaf spot
The objective of this project was to develop new lines of high-quality romaine lettuce suitable for fresh market and processing.
Project duration : 2008-2012
Total cost : $ 812 400
Laitue #6512 - Creation of new disease and aphid-resistant head lettuce varieties
The overall objective of this project was to expand the range of head lettuce varieties available to Canadian producers through the development and pre-marketing of new varieties of disease-resistant head lettuce and the development of new lineages resistant to the aphid Nasonovia ribisnigri.
Project duration : 2010-2014
Total cost : $ 401 400
Romaine #6657 - Establishment of a test network to enhance genealogical lines and respond to the emerging market of the heart of romaine lettuce
The objective of this project was to establish a test network to identify almost fixed genealogical lines in order to respond to the emerging and very fast-growing market of the heart of romaine lettuce.
Project duration : 2012-2014
Total cost : $ 126 300
In 2013, the Foundation turns to AAFC's AgriInnovation Program (AIP) and gets funding for the following project:
AIP-198 - Development of new varieties of head lettuce and romaine to respond to fresh and processing markets and to the emerging market of the heart of romaine
Project duration : 2013-2018
Budget : $ 2 526 000
Four-part project
Development of lettuce varieties resistant to physiological disorders and basal rot and having the characteristics needed to meet the fresh and processing markets of head lettuce and romaine
The overall objective is to expand the range of romaine and head lettuce varieties available to Canadian growers through the development and pre-marketing of new varieties of lettuce resistant to major physiological disorders of eastern Canadian lettuce varieties grown in organic soil, as well as new varieties of lettuce that have the essential characteristics to meet the emerging markets of the heart of romaine lettuce.
These new varieties and lines will allow increased yields, in addition to having a greater value on fresh and processing markets, mostly dedicated to exportation.
Study of pathogenic Xanthomonas genotypes in lettuce and their host-pathogen relationship in a context of varietal selection for resistance to bacterial spot.
The objective of this activity is to determine the prevalence of the different genotypes of pathogenic Xanthomonas found in lettuce production areas in Canada, as well as their pathogenicity on a set of cultivars to determine the tolerance of parents and lettuce lines in various environments.
Development of new lines of head lettuce resistant to Nasonovia ribisnigri
Head lettuce varieties resistant to the Nasonovia ribisnigri aphid exist, but are not adapted to the climatic and edaphic conditions of eastern Canada. This activity is aimed at the development of adapted and aphid resistant head lettuce lines by introgression of the resistance gene using the backcrossing and marker assisted selection method.
Development of tools related to DNA marker-assisted selection (MAS) and to genomics in the existing lettuce breeding program
The objective of this activity is to develop and use marker-assisted breeding to accelerate the lettuce selection and multiplication process and thereby increase efficiency.
Among the main achievements of this PAI project are:
- Three new varieties of head lettuce currently on the market and available to all Canadian lettuce producers
- Four advanced romaine lettuce fixed lines tested in pilot trial by producers to evaluate their commercial acceptance
- An advanced line of resistant head lettuce to the aphid Nasonovia ribisnigri in progress
Programme Innov'action agroalimentaire (2018-2023), MAPAQ – Volet 2 - Adaptation Technologique. Project IA221668: Commercial acceptance of a new variety of iceberg and/or romaine lettuce resistant to heat stress.
This project involves setting up field trials to evaluate new iceberg and romaine lettuce lines. An essential step in the commercial acceptance of the developed lines before starting the registration process with the Plant Breeders' Rights Office (PBRO) in Canada
The overall objective of this project is to provide Quebec growers with high quality iceberg and romaine lettuce varieties for the fresh and processing markets, when grown in the warm conditions of the season.
Specific Objectives:
1- To evaluate the yield and quality of advanced iceberg and romaine lettuce varieties for their resistance to physiological disorders (tip burn and premature bolting) associated with heat stress in a context of climate change;2- To collect the data required for the registration of one or more new varieties of iceberg and/or romaine lettuce developed in Quebec, according to the standards of the Canadian Plant Breeders' Rights Office.
Project Duration: 2021-2023
Commercial acceptance of a new heat stress-resistant head lettuce and/or romaine lettuce variety.
Programme de partenariat pour l'innovation en agroalimentaire (PPIA) du MAPAQ. Project: Setting up a network of trials for vegetable varieties grown in muck soil, with a focus on lettuce and celery
The aim of this project is to provide the vegetable sector with a sustainable cultivars testing structure and to increase the sector's resilience to climate change and to adapt to changing market demands, both for the fresh market and for processing. In three years, lettuce (iceberg and romaine) and celery will be put forward. A monitoring committee will consider the priority crops to be included in the network over a period of 5 years or more.
The main objective of this project is to define a technical itinerary for the risks associated with biotic and abiotic disorders in lettuce and celery, to characterise the available cultivars and to develop a specific technical itinerary.
Specific Objectives:
1- Collect information on lettuce and celery cultivars currently available here or in other production areas;
2- To evaluate the agronomic traits, physiological disorders and phytosanitary of the cultivars tested:
- Tolerance/sensitivity of lettuce and celery cultivars to the main diseases in controlled conditions (growth chambers, screening);
- Sensitivity/tolerance of cultivars to various physiological disorders related to heat stress (tip burn, rib discoloration, premature bolting, blackheart, hollow petiole and brown stalk);
- Sensitivity/tolerance of cultivars to the main diseases (downy mildew, basal rot, Pythium wilt, Sclerotinia, Fusarium, Cercospora leaf spot, and Septoria leaf spot);
- Evaluate agronomic characteristics to facilitate their positioning in different markets (fresh, processing);
Project Duration: 2022-2025
Partners: Phytodata, CRAM, MAPAQ